Friday, April 15, 2011

Let them eat cake!

For the past few weeks, I have been considering a random comment made by my daughter that most wedding cakes are designed to appeal to the bride and what about the groom as it's as much his wedding. This obviously doesn't take into account an additional cake for the groom but she does have a point. At least she has a point if the groom involves! I was speaking with someone today who is 2 months away from being married. He has been given a book with all the groom's responsibilities. Has he read it? No! Will he read it? Yes, he tells me,  about 2 weeks before the wedding! Perhaps if he is reading this, the website staggered  [men's wedding blog / men's wedding website] may be of interest to him? (We do advertise our site on there focusing on weddings in the snow with winter sports.)

Anyway, back to cakes - I have concluded that a lot has to do with flowers and colour. Paler pinks and corals will always be girly although brighter pinks not so much. Adding flowers also seems to make a feminine statement. However I have found some cakes from a couple of sources - real simple/tara donne and delissious cake studio.

I've shown them in a video as I'm enjoying playing with my new found skill ? !

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