Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cobble Beach Inn

Thursday - Drove up to Muskoka. It's easy to tell Spring is on the way although it's not quite woken up there yet. Very sunny and blue skies - enough to make you want a swim but the lakes are still very cold; won't be long though. Even without all the leaves on the trees is it easy to see why this is such a beautiful destination in Fall. You could literally pick a spot anywhere and have the most amazing back drop of colour. Came back to Collingwood after a little retail therapy. Found quite a lot of inspiration in the new wedding magazines so will be posting about that when I am back in the UK.

Friday - Have been out to Cobble Beach today to have yet another look at the venue and facilities. The drive out there was lovely - the trees are all coming into leaf and colours are appearing everywhere. As much as I love Cobble Beach in the snow, there is a lot to be said for it in Spring and Summer and Fall as well !!! The sun was shining, the sky was a fab blue and the water was quite calm. I'd forgotten just how breath-taking the scenery is there and the feeling of space that you get - photos don't do justice to it. Had a lovely lunch too!
Came back 'home' via the Village at Blue - still little patches of snow left on the hill; obviously not enough to ski or board but enough to evoke memories of the good times. LOVE the Hattley shop up there, bought some gifts to take home and could have bought more! [Goes without saying really, I can always buy more] Found Whispa Gold in the sweet shop - not eaten it yet so don't know if it will taste the same as at home but that reminds me, must stock up on Hershey Kisses.

Having a really good time; it's going very quickly and I feel it will be time to come home before I know it. Going to St Jacobs tomorrow where there may be a new venue.

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