Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fab flowers & my Mum

Let me just start by saying something about my Mum. She died four years ago when she was 93. Hard to describe her really except to say kids adored her, she was somewhat cantankerous and we all miss her like mad. She had this wonderful way of describing things by saying 'It was marvellous. I couldn't complain .....but if I had to' and she would then relate the problems. The service was bad. The train was late. The food was cold. You get the gist. She pops into our lives every now and then in the strangest of ways. Odd things bring her to mind. She popped into my head as I finished looking through The Traditional Flower Company website. Here are some of their images but you really need to check out the entire gallery on the website.

I'll finish about Mum at the end. [She LOVED flowers, by the way]






Fab! Agreed? So many of my favourites are there - love-in-a-mist, scabious, roses, sweet peas, mint, hyacinth - well all of them really.

As for the site itself, it's marvellous; I couldn't complain BUT IF I HAD TO - no delphiniums!!!! You don't think it's catching, do you? Thanks Mum!

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