Monday, October 01, 2012

Change to UK Wedding Law

As from this month, the law in this country which dated back to 1836 regarding the time of day during which English and Welsh weddings must take place, has changed (Scotland has always been different).  It is now possible to get married at any time - in theory. However ... local authorities and religious groups will not be forced to conduct marriages outside the traditional hours of 8.00am to 6.00pm. In reality very few weddings happen at 8.00am or after 4.00pm but if you wanted a sunrise or sunset ceremony, you would have to find a venue that was happy with the idea (which I don't think will be that difficult as generally speaking, receptions last into the night anyway) BUT the registrar to conduct the ceremony has to be as flexible. I've just looked at a local council website and their registrars work from 8.00am to 6.00pm on Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday. The issue is going to be that whilst the Government have taken notice of public opinion and made this change, they are not going to allow any extra funding for Registrars to work extra or unsocial hours. It is also something that local authorities and churches will not be forced to comply with.  So yes, you are allowed to but the practicality may mean that you aren't able to.

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